Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vintage Analise

Yay, new pictures!
I'm using my Dad's netbook so I'm not sure about the colors and stuff.  This thing is tiny and it's hard to edit pictures when they're so small!

Anyway, me and Weazy have decided to go vintage-1950's-"I Love Lucy"-"Secret Sisters"-inspired for our Easter outfits.  We practiced our makeup yesterday, and Weazy dressed up in an old dress that actually went with her makeup really well so we decided to do a photo shoot!
So with these pictures, I'm showing off two things.
  1. My sister's amazing beauty
  2. my awesome makeup applying skills ^_^



antonia said...

wow, she looks really great!
you did a really good job capturing the mood on camera too!

Anonymous said...

The fourth one is nothing short of amazing!!!

Kat said...

WOHA that second one IS YOUR MOTHER, 100% your mother. I can't believe how much........these are awesome :)