Saturday, March 12, 2011

A moment of perfect focus

When you take a million pictures of someone, you're bound to get a really good one eventually.  When your subject is squirmy and can't sit still, it's a little harder.  But with patience, a quick auto-focus, and continuous-shot, you might get the perfect picture.
(mind you, I have better pictures of Lina expression-wise, but as far as focus and clarity go, this one takes the cake!)
Just look at her eyes!!  I just about died when I saw this picture.  I didn't realize just how clear it was until I uploaded it to my computer!  All the other pictures I took of her that day were slightly blurry and out-of-focus.  I just got really lucky with this one :)

1 comment:

Julia said...

This is perfect! Her eyes are so pretty. :)